Take Action

Apply Yourself to Your Personal Brand

A weakness of many personal development books is that while they may share many ideas, readers are not engaged to put the ideas to work for themselves. You will get maximum benefit from this book by accepting our challenge to apply the three Ms of personal branding to yourself. Two resources are available that put the “personal” in personal branding. First, at the end of each chapter you will find a section titled Take Action. You need to do just that- take action- by applying our instructions for building a personal brand to you and your situation. You can learn what makes a distinctive personal brand by reading the chapters, but only you can implement our ideas to spur brand development.

Personal Assessment

Take Action with Harrison Assessments

Second, we have partnered with Harrison Assessments to offer several personal evaluation instruments you can access online. Harrison Assessments, created by psychologist Dr. Dan Harrison, are used by organizations in forty countries to assist in hiring, developing, and promoting employees. The Harrison Assessments team has reviewed the content of Me and identified eight assessment packages relevant to our 3Ms model of personal branding. A link to these assessments is included following the Take Action section of the chapters for which they are applicable. Although Harrison Assessment reports are not free, the insight you could gain from completing one or more of these self-assessments could be a valuable investment for gaining a deeper understanding of your own brand. It’s time to embark on the most exciting and important marketing project you will ever undertake!